5 Reasons To Do Plantation and Go Green

Why plantation ?


Plantation is always a favorable act both for nature and living world. Planting trees and shrubs in our surroundings makes it more healthy for living. Since schooling it is always been told to do such social work for natural benifits. Not only for environmental protection but it also helps us to breathe in healthy air. As years are passing by industrialisation and urbanization is taking place at a fast rate . Such modernization is taken by our government to develop at national level. But such development are gradually causing degradation of plants and greenary around. Leading to air pollution, low oxygen level , animal displacement and extinction. These above activities of peoples are at alarming stage which are arising question on our survival globally.




There are multiple benefits to do plantation. Adopting such interest to start planting is always a great option for a healthy living.


Following are our top 5 reasons to do plantation:


1. While planting trees around we offer survival advantages to all living organisms around.



2. Proper seedling and gradening makes it both very beautiful and fruitful . This results many breath taking flowers and fruits.



3.Plantation also promotes expansion of flora and fauna which are essential for balancing whole nature (living world).



4. Planting trees inside and outside of your home makes our mind more refreshing. Also it’s greenary helps us to heal our stressful lifestyle. It is also very beneficial for our eyes and respiratory system for better performance.



5.Overall  plantation adds more essense and beauty to nature for humanity wellfare. Along with modernization it can be followed on regular practice.


Garden plantation



Planting is an eco friendly work


Well taking about eco friendly reminds us about green plants and trees around without any harmful action on other organisms. Planting trees is itself an eco friendly work to do for self betterment. Also it helps in natur’s nourishment which saves a bit less from various pollution and torchures done on environment by us . This is said to be friendly because plants are responsible to balance our whole biodiversity. This concern for planting more trees can stop rapid degradation of living organisms globally.



Go green Get life


Well adopting greenary and planting will always help us to enhance our livelihood. Going green makes both our environment and us to feel free and breath peacefully. For environmental protection many schools and organisations are promoting plantation programs to save our trees and planet earth. These human activities are the reason for our better lifestyle and are also helping to conserve nature for further generation . Such humanity towards environment which serves us with unlimited goods to access our life grows concern to do some social work. Causing beneficial acts for all living organisms. Going green get us life to live and nourish . Planting trees is always a source to expand humanity. So let’s join hands and start planting. Our one initiative can change the whole scenario to believe in conservation and reservation of resources for future.

“Go green and get life.”

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