Video games have become popular with kids who have anxiety and other problems. Some parents believe that kids turn to video games for relief, but that may not be the case. Children are often using these games to relieve their problems. Many parents are confused and are concerned about the risks involved. While it is important to limit the number of time kids spend with video games, it is also important to ensure that they are not excessive.
The U.S. Surgeon General has issued a public health advisory warning of a growing mental health crisis among youth in response to these concerns. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry have even declared a national emergency. For this reason, parents should stop scolding their kids and encourage them to play with their families.
Despite the risks, these games may be a good way to reduce kids’ anxiety. According to Kristene Geering, an expert on child development, video games can improve children’s social and emotional health. The research shows that kids prefer to spend time with their families and have fun together over playing video games. This is a great way to make sure that kids are happy and get their support.
As a parent, you may be concerned about your child’s mental health. But don’t worry! There are several benefits to using video games with your children. Some can help alleviate anxiety, while others can even cure it. A good way to start is by getting your kids interested in these games. Using a parenting app can help your child learn to manage their anxiety and reduce their stress levels.
Video games can help your child learn to deal with anxiety. The research also reveals that kids are less likely to develop anxiety when not playing video games. But this does not mean that it’s a bad thing. Instead, it could be a good way to teach your kid about the real-life feelings associated with anxiety. This will also help them learn to cope with their fears.
Video games can help kids deal with their anxiety. According to George Carey, a family therapist in California, “Video games provide a distraction for young patients.” They can also help children process their feelings, which can help prevent future issues. However, parents need to be aware of the risks of using video games with their children. It is best to talk with your kids and let them know that you can support them and that they are not alone in their struggles.
Some parents are concerned about their children’s addiction to these games. They worry about the dangers of over-spending and have to find ways to limit their kids’ screen time. Fortunately, there are plenty of safe, fun video games beneficial for kids. Some of them will teach them how to handle their anxiety without the risk of overdosing. So, parents, be aware of your child’s addiction to these addictive devices.
While video games may not be a cure-all for anxiety, they are a great way to connect with your child and build a strong bond. Some studies have suggested that kids can’t get enough screen time to combat anxiety, but the ability to use these devices is helpful for their mental health. Interestingly, the average VASC score of 162 children was 46.7. While the TAD score of the children was only 15.4, that was a significant risk factor.
In addition to being a good distraction, video games are also a powerful way to connect with your child. Besides helping them process their feelings, it can also help parents build strong bonds with their kids. So, if your kids are suffering from anxiety, stop nagging them about their gaming time. It isn’t the end of the world. It is a way to help them healthily understand their emotions.
Image Courtesy: Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash